
Linecheck Music Meeting and Festival 2018: ecco tutti i panel, workshop e conferenze imperdibili

Linecheck Music Meeting and Festival è alle porte: dal 22 al 24 novembre si terrà a Base (via Bergognone, 34) a Milano uno dei più importanti conference e music festival d’Italia. Una tre giorni in cui i professionisti del business music italiano incontrano quelli dell’industria musicale internazionale, per conoscersi, parlare e confrontarsi sulle tematiche e i problemi che accomunano  il settore. Agenti, artisti, etichette e festival e da tutto il mondo faranno base nei prossimi giorni a Linecheck 2018.
Sei un artista o lavori nel settore musicale? Questo è l’evento a cui partecipare. (Qui trovi i biglietti)



Ecco la nostra selezione, divisa per giornate, di panel e workshop imperdibili per questa quarte edizione di Linecheck 2018 organizzati in collaborazione con Italia Music Export – SIAE e ICE (Agenzia per la promozione all’estero e l’internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane).



Night now! Presented by nights from the future
14.15-15.15 – Base – Spazio C

How new contents and formats can make a city proud of its nights? Then how a city can promote itself thanks to its nights? And from whom it comes? Entrepreneurs? Tourism and branding offices of cities? Nights in main cities are shaping and structuring city life thanks to contemporary cultural formats: more freedom, more spaces, more experiences. They contribute to their attractivity.
Qui tutte le info.


More than just money: virtuous examples of music-brand collaborations
14.15-15.15 – Cariplo Factory –  Innovation Arena

It takes just a great idea: unique and different examples show how well beyond “usual” sync or product placement in exchange for money creative minds can lead a music-brand collaboration. Be inspired to think out of the box, because the most obvious and easiest is not always the best…
Qui tutte le info.



Introducing: the Balkans 
10.45 – 11.30 – Casa Base

Within the music industry, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Republic of Macedonia and neighbouring states are often just called the Balkans, Ex-Yugoslavia, even the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, but, actually, there’s much more to discover. While for a long time they rather not been considered in the international touring circuits, things seem to break off. A vivid cultural landscape emerged, featuring major festivals that Italy could almost be envious of, streaming services and developing audiences both local and international.
What are the opportunities? What are the dos and don’ts? What’s hot? How can you enter the market(s) and who are the players?
Qui tutte le info.


Strategic international management: alternatives to a centralistic approach? 
11.00 – 11.45 – Base Spazio B

Spend all your time and money trying to convince a UK/US-centered label, the ‘international’ media outlets, playlist people and sync folks? Or strategize differently, investing all you can on your neighbouring country or what some would call a “B” or exotic “C-market”? What does the artist need to bring in? There’re pros and cons, so find out what might be right for you, how to make the right choices in order to persist in an almost endlessly competitive international music environment.
Qui tutte le info.


Networking: meets the labels, PRS, distributions
12.00 – 13.30 – Base Lounge
Meet Labels, PRs and Distributions from all over Europe! Iscriviti qui.
Qui tutte le info.


Networking: meet the agents, promoters, festival 
14.15 – 15.45 – Base lounge

Meet internationally working agents, festivals and promoters.
Iscriviti al networking e incontra i principali agenti di booking, festival e promoter da tutto il mondo: iscriviti qui.
Qui tutte le info su agenti, promoter e festival coinvolti.
Qui tutte le info.


Un anno di musica italiana all’estero: il report del primo anno di attività di Italia Music Export – SIAE 
14.30 – 15.00 – Base Spazio C

Italia Music Export – SIAE presenta il report del primo anno di attività e gli obiettivi e i progetti per il 2019.
Qui tutte le info. 


Q&A: International Music Conferences 
15.00 – 16.15 – Base Spazio C

Almost every week you can attend a showcase conference somewhere around the world. A fast and direct cross-examination of some of the world’s leading Showcase-Conferences might help decision making: what’s in for you? What’s different from the others? How much does it cost? What’s the events’ mission and target? Who’s programming?
Qui tutte le info.


Festival Booking: put it all on the headliners?
16.30 – 17.30 – Base Spazio B

Festivals are in a central position to break new talent, hence have a responsibility for developing their own tomorrow’s headliners and courageously endorse new art. Though, is that a rather romantic idea at all sustainable in the nowadays competitive live music industry? Why do people buy tickets for a festival? Just to see their all-time fave or really to discover their future favourite artist in a curated lineup full of artistic integrity?
A special view on the Italian festival landscape reveals cultural differences and similarities to international events.
Qui tutte le info.


Networking: Meet the Canadians 
16.00 – 17.30 – Base lounge

An incoming Canadian delegation from all parts of the music industry visits Linecheck in 2018. A curated networking session introduces you in individual speed meetings to managers, labels, agents, festivals…

Iscriviti al networking e incontra i principali agenti di booking, festival e promoter canadesi: iscriviti qui.
Qui tutte le info su agenti, promoter e festival coinvolti.



WORKSHOP: Impara l’ABC dell’export musicale
11.00 – 18.30 – Cariplo Factory – Innovation Arena

Il corso gratuito, organizzato da Italia Music Export -SIAE, è rivolto agli artisti e ai professionisti dell’industria musicale italiana che vogliano ricevere consigli pratici e imparare le nozioni fondamentali riguardanti l’export musicale. Le lezioni si svolgeranno dalle ore 11:00 alle ore 18.30 e saranno tenute da professionisti della musica italiani con una comprovata esperienza in ambito di esportazione musicale. La giornata di workshop sarà suddivisa in 4 moduli dedicati a diverse tematiche. Si potrà partecipare ai singoli moduli, previa iscrizione obbligatoria. (Iscriviti qui– Ingresso gratuito soggetto a esaurimento posti)

Modulo 1
Il mercato musicale all’estero: come funziona e da dove cominciare

Modulo 2
Showcase festival: cosa sono, a cosa servono, quando e perché partecipare

Modulo 3
Che cos’è un music export office, e come può aiutarmi?

Modulo 4
Concerti e tour all’estero: come muovere i primi passi e come creare un pubblico straniero


Who Pays the promo bill?
14.15 – 15.15 – Base Spazio C

What does the promoter do if she or he is not doing the promotion? What do we mean by promotion? What should a promoter cover for their risky 20% after breakeven? Why should the label pay the band’s promo bill if the band makes all their money touring? The agent sits in the middle asking everybody: why is there no promo?
Income streams have changed, 360° was a big thing some years ago. What’s the status quo and where is the business headed, in brutally honest markets like the UK, but also in Canada, Germany, Italy and elsewhere?
Qui tutte le info.


The (new) world music beyond its business 
16.30 – 17.30 – Base Spazio C

Beyond World Music: apparently roots related acts are trendsetting urban music and clubbing world, Sahara desert blues acts raving the psych-rock circuit. But really, can such artists exist in a competitive neoliberal commercial music environment or will it always be trapped in the public money culture ghetto? What professional setup is needed? What marketing approach? In all that, where’s the ‘traditional’ world music market going to?
Qui tutte le info.


Qui sotto invece una selezione di altri panel interessanti a cui partecipare a tema ‘music export’:


Digital distribution 2020 
14.15 – 15.00 – Base Spazio B

The next big syc? Music in TV, Online and Cinema 
15.30 – 16.15 – Cariplo Factory Innovation Hub



The International agent’s interview
10.30 -11.15 – Base Spazio C

Introducing: Latin America
12.45 – 13.30 – Casa Base



Go International! Tips and tricks for a global career in the music industry
17.00 – 17.45 – Base Spazio C